What If Life Is A Dream And Death Wake Us Up?...
I believe a strong woman can be stronger than a man. particularly if she happens to have love in her heart. I guess A loving woman is indestructible.
The truth is i gave my heart away a long time a ago , and I never really got it back.
You have no idea how closely i wrap myself around your heart.
True beauty lies in a woman who follows her own path, knows she is capable of anything she sets her mind to, & grow confidence from her own experiences.
If i could have an extra portion of anything it would be wisdom. Because wisdom allows you to work smarter not harder. Wisdom tells you what battles to fight and which ones to walk away. It also tells you who to let close & who to love from a afar. wisdom allows you to let go, to grow & guides you in moving forward. Not only that but wisdom allows you to keep your riches Love, Honor & Health not just have it.
Closeness doesn't come when you're together. It comes when you are apart & realize that despite not seeing , you never stop remembering.
Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms or books that are written in foreign tongue. the point is to live everything. live the questions now. perhaps you will than gradually without noticing it , live your way some distant day to the answers. these words remind me to live my life to the best of my ability , & bolster my patience & trust the plan that will unfold in my life =)
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