If you stay hung up on the wrong person then you'll end up missing the right person
I love this quote & its very true !!!
when a person says i need to find myself and purpose he/she is trying to fill the void left by the Absence of the Creator god !
I'm a deep person, deep thinker...deep talks I dig that shit.
I'm So Desensitized That Bullshit Don't Bother Me!! ... Living Sucka Free!!
The only person that can truly make you happy is yourself. Everyone and everything else is extra.
It's Hard to Live A life Sucker Free in World Full Of Lollipops ...
Too much slang is such a turn off and a touch Embarrassing. A lot of how you carry yourself is presented through your speech. =)
I'm witty, insightful And I'm always wearing those funky High Heels With Them Short,
short skirts or Tight Little Dresses
If u blame your surroundings for the position you're in, then you'll never get out of it. Because no matter where u go, you're still there.
Cherish every moment, regardless of your circumstance
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
Words cannot express how much i Dont care.
Dont Let The EYE Fool The Mind!
They think I've had it easy. I've had it the worst way possible. But I appreciate it all....I'm A Head Strong Soldier
My Nails Are Pretty In Pink =)
Having a fat ass DOES NOT make you a bad bitch
.I'd rather be me then pretend to be perfect to fit everyone's standards.
Leave Your Morals At Home. When You're With Me Boy , keep it Extra Filthy.
I Had To Share This ...Lol ME SOMETIMES =)
This Is My Moment ...When the Time Comes I Will Learn To Love Again.
People On Here Complain About Having too Many Fakes & Squares in their Life, Maybe cuz You Are One? & You Attract The Same Kind.
Confidence is the Sexiest Thing One Can Ever Wear
I just caught myself smiling and when I thought of why, it occurred to me that it was simply because I feel and am alive.
My Handsome Prince ...Edward
I like a gentleman with a little less gentle and a lot more man.
It Takes A Really Big Man To Fill My Shoes.
I shall fear no men but god, though i walk through the shadows of darkness.
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