A Poem for The Lord of Literature.
My professor Mitnick is the coolest cat around.
He teaches literature without a frown,
Fiction and poetry are his thing.
He gives them more life than they truly bring.
He loves to decipher the very core of their meaning.
He does it with style , and a beaming smile.
What a pleasure it is to witness so much passion,
And my professor teaches in a manly fashion.
He yells. Plot, setting , character and theme.
They are important, believe me, this is not a scheme.
I never thought I truly enjoy this class.
My only hope is that I pass….
The lord of literature gets chill with words
Please don't judge him, he hangs around with nerds.
For my dear professor and his endless love of teaching.
P.s. I hope you know I admire your dedication and your unfading love for literature.
L. Acosta
Keeping my eyes on the prize ... & with all the madness that's going on in my life right now , I honestly don't know how I manage to do so well in all my classes . But I suppose god is giving me the strength to stay solid through this storm and my kids are that driving force ....
Cathedral by Raymond carver is a very interesting story . You must read it , & its the irony of the story that captivates me and it makes think that most of us live life this way .. being blind even when we have the gift of sight .